"Jyoshidaisei Kaikeishi-no Jikenbo 5" by YAMADA Shin'ya
This is the fifth book of 'Jyoshidaisei Kaikeishi (a female college student working as an accountant)' series. The main characters are FUJIWARA Moemi (Moe), the heroin and a female college student working as an accountant, and KAKIMOTO Kazuma (Kakkii), a junior partner of Moe and a male accountant. In this book MURASAKI Yukari, an additional junior partner of them, appears. As a team they audit companies, and approaches to secrets of the companies...
The two new books of this series (No.5 and 6) were published after a blank about three years, and these are the last volumes of this series. And the last two volumes have a continued story, but I have not gotten the sixth book yet... -_-;
Anyway during the last three years the circumstances around audits (at least in Japan) changed very much, and the contents are written in consonance with the new situation - in particular the internal control is emphasized. Of course we can enjoy the story. In addition to this we can also study the audits with reading this book!
(Finished reading on Feb.3, 2008)
The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!
Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* YAMADA Shin'ya : 山田真哉
* Jyoshidaisei Kaikeishi-no Jikenbo 5: 女子大生会計士の事件簿5
Labels: Japanese book, YAMADA Shin'ya
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