Apr 22, 2008

"Poankare-no Okurimono" by MINAMI Miyako and NAGASE Teruo

MINAMI Miyako and NAGASE Teruo are a couple, and both studied mathematics in their universities. After that MINAMI became a mathematical teacher, and NAGASE became a mathematical scholar. The most of this book is written by MINAMI, and the last part is written by NAGASE.

"This is a three-manifold which I realized. It vanishes one circles, but it is not topologically same as a three dimensional sphere."

With these words and a strange solid, Mr. Tachibana has left from Yayoi. So Yayoi began to understand the meaning... This book is a introduction to Poincare's conjecture. Now (in 2008) has the conjecture been solved? Maybe yes. But the publication of this book is 2001, and it has not been solved yet.

(Finished reading on Apr. 12, 2008)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* MINAMI Miyako : 南みや子
* NAGASE Teruo : 永瀬輝男
* Poankare-no Okurimono : ポアンカレの贈り物

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