"Hebiichigo Sanatoriumu" (Indian Strawberry Sanatorium) by HOSHIO Sanae
Hoshio Sanae is a Japanese poet, but she begins to write mysteries, and this book is the first one.
In a female high school SHIRAHATO-Gakuen, students from 7th to 12th graders are studying, a 12th-grade-student fell down from the rooftop and died. She was a member of the art club, and another member of the club had also fallen down and died about a half years ago. Then stories of her ghost and a rumor spread out, and a teacher of Japanese fell down and died. The officials thought that they killed themselves, but a teacher of mathematics began to investigate the matters again. Also two 9th grade students of the art club began to examine the matters independently. They found some suicides and some keywords - novels on the web, plagiarism in the submitted novels, and so on behind the matters...
The title of this book means "Indian Strawberry Sanatorium", and it seems to be the name of a web site.
This book is the second book of 'Mystery Frontier' series published by Tokyo Sougen-sya. This really is a mystery, but causes very strange feeling - integration with others.
(Finished reading on Apr. 19, 2008)
The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!
Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* HOSHIO Sanae : ほしおさなえ
* Hebiichigo Sanatoriumu : ヘビイチゴ・サナトリウム
Labels: HOSHIO Sanae, Japanese book
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