"Mizu-no Meikyuu" (An Aqua Maze) by ISHIMOCHI Asami
A long mystery written by Mr. Ishimochi.
An mobile phone was delivered to the curator of Haneda aquarium, which is run by Tokyo and local companies. Then someone began to attack the displayed creatures not completely but carefully avoiding the deaths. After the matter an e-mail which suggests the criminality was sent. The aquarium was open, and there were many people there. So the curator decided to delay the report to police to avoid the confusion. But a staff died... His death is a suicide? or an accident? or a murder? And what is the aim of the criminal(s)???
The dream of Mr. Katayama, who died three years ago of this matter, is very nice!
(Finished reading on Apr. 29, 2008)
The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!
Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* ISHIMOCHI Asami : 石持浅海
* Mizu-no Meikyuu : 水の迷宮
Labels: ISHIMOCHI Asami, Japanese book
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