Jun 17, 2008

"Gusya-no Endoro-ru" (Why didn't she ask EBA?) by YONEZAWA Honobu

I don't know why the English title is "Why didn't she ask EBA?", but it is given by the author. Anyway this book is the second book of 'Koten-bu' series.

Many plots by many people (^_^;;; let Houtarou see the preview of the film made by class F of the 2nd grade for the culture festival. He had no reason to avoid it, and attended the preview meeting with the members of 'Koten-bu'.

The film was a mystery, but it suddenly ended just after the murder case occurred. The writer became sick, and the rest of the story had not existed. So the 'Koten-bu' members including he were asked to check the continuances by the class F members. He felt some bad feeling, but he could not escape from it...

Eventually he was asked to write the continuation! The economical-boy Houtarou is changed a little after a little? (^_^;;;

'Koten-bu' series:
* Hyouka [Ice Cream] : 氷菓
* Gusya-no Endoro-ru [The End Role of Fools] : 愚者のエンドロール <= this book
* Kudoryafuka-no Jyunban [The Order of Kudryavka] : クドリャフカの順番
* Toomawari-suru Hina [Chicks Making a Detour] : 遠まわりする雛

(Finished reading on May 14, 2008)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* YONEZAWA Honobu : 米澤穂信
* Gusya-no Endoro-ru : 愚者のエンドロール

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