"Kamisama-no Pazuru" (The God's Puzzle) by KIMOTO Shinji
Mr. Kimoto is a Japanese writer. This is the first time for me to read his book, so I don't know much about him... This book is a SF... maybe.
Mr. Watanuki became a senior student of a university, and decided to belong to an elementary particle laboratory. The member of the laboratory were working for a huge facility 'Mugen' which is a part of a big national project.
After the first guidance he was asked to care for HOZUMI Saraka, who is an idle of the university for her intelligence. She was a theoretical founder of 'Mugen', which is the reason she was arranged to the laboratory.
At first she turned her nose up at him, but after he asked a question 'Is it possible to make a universe?', which he was asked by an old listener of his university...
The film of this story will be released on June 8th in Japan. Some parts of the film was shot in my work place last summer... that's why I read this book. It was very exciting beyond my expectation ^^;;;
Film "Kamisama-no Pazuru" public site
(Finished reading on May 6, 2008)
The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!
Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* KIMOTO Shinji : 機本伸司
* Kamisama-no Pazuru : 神様のパズル
Labels: Japanese book, KIMOTO Shinji
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