Jul 31, 2007

Yellow Wood Sorrel,Creeping Oxalis

This is 'Katabami', Yellow Wood Sorrel or Creeping Oxalis. The botanical name is Oxalis corniculata Linn.

We can see here and there.

Jul 27, 2007

Garden Catchfly

This is 'Mushitori-Nadeshiko' or Garden Catchfly. The other Japanese name is 'Haetori-Nadeshiko' which is similar meaning to the English one. The botanical name is Silene armeria.

This is not an insectivorous plant (^_^;;;

Jul 25, 2007

Glossy Abelia

This is 'Hana-Tsukubaneutsugi' or Glossy Abelia. We also call it just 'Abelia' in Japan. The botanical name is Abelia grandiflora.

This is sometimes used as roadside trees.

African Lily

This is 'Agapanthus' or African Lily. 'Agapanthus' is a Greek? Another Japanese name is 'Murasaki-Kushi-Ran'. The botanical name is Agapanthus Africanus.

Jul 24, 2007

Japanese Spirea

This is 'Shimotsuke' or Japanese Spirea. The botanical name is Spiraea japonica.

This is closely related to 'Kodemari' and 'Yuki-Yanagi'!

Jul 20, 2007

Silk Flowers/Trees

This is very unique shape... no chance to mistake! The name is 'Nemu-no-Ki' or Silk Flowers/Trees. The meaning of the Japanese name is sleeping trees because the leaves close at night. The botanical name is Albizia Julibrissin.

I noticed many of this tree are planted around here, though it must have been there for a long time...

Jul 19, 2007

Eastern Daisy Fleabane

This is 'Himejyoon' or Eastern Daisy Fleabane. The botanical name is Erigeron Annuus.

I didn't noticed when the 'Himejion' were replaced by 'Himejyoon'... The root of the leaves, which direction the buds direct, inside the stalks, and so on are different between the two.

Jul 18, 2007

Tall St. John's Wort

This is 'Kinshibai' or Tall St. John's Wort. The botanical name is Hypericum Patulum. We can find this here and there, though the best season seems to be over...

Jul 17, 2007

What is this?

After or in between Marguerites, Golden Waves, Gaillardias, Pinks, and Plains Coreopsis, these flowers were appeared.... But I don't know the name. Could you tell me if you know the name? I thought it Chocolate Cosmos, but the season seems to be a little early...

The second picture was taken with flashlight, and the third one was without it. The color observed by my eyes is brown, so I thought the red color on the picture is coming from the flashlight... but no???

Jul 16, 2007

Plains Coreopsis

This is 'Harusya-Giku' or Plains Coreopsis. The Japanese 'Harusya' comes from Persia, but this flower has no relation with Persia (^_^;;;

I found this at the same place where Marguerites, Golden Waves, Gaillardias, and Pinks were found.

Jul 15, 2007


This is 'Nadeshiko' or Pink. I think there are many kinds of 'Nadeshiko' in the world, but I don't know what type this is. The botanical name is 'Dianthus superbus var. longicalycinus'.

This place is where Marguerites, Golden Waves, and Gaillardias were found.

Gaillardia or Blanket Flower

This is "Tenin'nin-Giku" or Gaillardia. Another name is Blanket Flower. The botanical name is Gaillardia Pulchella.

I found this in the Marguerites and the Golden Waves.

Jul 13, 2007

Golden Wave or Lance-Leaved Tickseed

I uploaded pictures of Marguerite about a month ago. After that this flower began to open. The name is Golden Wave ('Oo-Kinkeigiku') or Lance-Leaved Tickseed ('Kinkeigiku'). I cannot distinguish these two...

At first I thought this is yellow Marguerite (^_^;;;
Oh, the botanical name is Coreopsis Drummondii or Coreopsis Lanceolata!

Jul 12, 2007


Now it is a rainy season in Japan, and the most popular flower in this season is Hydrangea or 'Ajisai'. The Japanese name consists of characters (Kanji) which mean violet sun flower. The botanical name is Hydrangea Macrophylla Form. Macrophylla.

The flower color depends on the time after the first open and the acidity of soil. The above picture is just after the opening, and the soil around here seems to have low pH value...

Jul 10, 2007


This is toadflax or 'Hosoba-Unran'. We can see here and there. But this seems to be a naturalized plant, that is, there was no 'Hosoba-Unran' in Japan. Maybe this is why I couldn't find the name in botanical encyclopedias for a long time.

The botanical name is Linaria Vulgaris, and the meaning of the Japanese name is orchid having thin leaves.

Tulip (No.7)

Sorry! I have one more set of tulips!

* Merry Christmas
extremely out of season!

* Christmas Dream

* Akita
from a place-name (located at the north part of Japan)

There were other tulips: Haku-un (white clouds), Shirayuki-Hime (a
princess like white snow), Red Impression, etc... But the flowers
had already fallen, or I made a mistake to take a picture, etc... (^_^;;;

Jul 8, 2007

Tulip (No.6)

The last tulips!

* Sweety
sweet lovers? or deserts?

* Come Back
come back, please!!!

* Simon
from a person's name?

* Kii-Komachi
This name comes from a Japanese word. But...
If we translate this directly, it means 'a yellow small town'.
But... ???

Jul 7, 2007

Tulip (No.5)

* Fransowaze (?)
from a person's name???

* Yan Van Zanten Memory
from a person's name?

* World Favorite
popular among all the world's people?

* Akane
from a color name in Japanese, or a person's name?