Mar 22, 2008

"Hieroglyph-de Manabou!" by YOSHIMURA Sakuji

Mr. Yoshimura is a professor at Waseda University in Japan. He is very famous for his study on ancient Egypt.

This book is about the history of ancient Egypt which existed for about 3000 years. The age of ancient Egypt can be divided into 9 small periods: Early Dynastic Period, Old Kingdom, First Intermediate Period, Middle Kingdom, Second Intermediate Period, New Kingdom, Third Intermediate Period, Late Period, and Ptolemaic Dynasty. During this 3000 years, there were about 150 - 200 pharaohs. In this book, ten pharaohs are selected and explained. They are Narmer, Djoser, Khufu, Hatshepsut, Amenemhat III, Akhenaten, Tutankhamun, Ramses II, Alexander the Great, and Cleopatra.

I didn't know much about the ancient Egypt except for the last Ptolemaic dynasty, which was described in 'Romajin-no Monogatari' series by SHIONO Nanami. An interesting point is that Ms. Shiono and Mr. Yoshimura write completely opposite opinions about some issues, say, Cleopatra. I think this could come from the difference between ancient Rome and ancient Egypt.

(Finished reading on Mar.18, 2008)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* YOSHIMURA Sakuji : 吉村作治
* Hieroglyph-de Manabou! : ヒエログリフで学ぼう!

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Mar 21, 2008

"Tenshi-ha Moppu-wo Motte" by KONDO Fumie

This book contains short stories of light mystery, and seems to be the first book of a 'Kiriko' series.

The new staff, KAJIMOTO Daisuke, was attached to the section of operators of his company. There happens mysteries in the section, and he manages to resolve them with the help of a cleaning staff, Kiriko, who cleans all the offices of the company. In general, the cleaning staffs tend to be old woman, but Kiriko is a modern young lady. She cleans all part of the company including mysteries! ^^

* Operator-room-no Kai [Mystery in the operator's room]
* Pikurusu-ga Miteita [Pickle was watching]
* Kokoro-no Shimai-Basyo [Where the hearts are put away]
* Diet Kyousou-kyoku [The theme song for mad diets]
* Locker-room-no Hiyoko [Chicks in the locker room]
* Momo-iro-no Panda [Pink panda]
* Cinderella [Cinderella]
* Shijyou-Saiaku-no Hero [The worst hero so far]

(Finished reading on Mar.15, 2008)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* KONDO Fumie : 近藤史恵
* Tenshi-ha Moppu-wo Motte : 天使はモップを持って
* Operator-room-no Kai : オペレータールームの怪
* Pikurusu-ga Miteita : ピクルスが見ていた
* Kokoro-no Shimai-Basyo : 心のしまい場所
* Diet Kyousou-kyoku : ダイエット狂想曲
* Locker-room-no Hiyoko : ロッカールームのひよこ
* Momo-iro-no Panda : 桃色のパンダ
* Cinderella : シンデレラ
* Shijyou-Saiaku-no Hero : 史上最悪のヒーロー

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Mar 20, 2008

"Maida Hitomi, 11 Sai, Dance Tokidoki Tantei" by UTANO Shogo

Mr. Utano is a Japanese writer. His main field is mystery, I think. I borrowed this book by seeing the title, which means 'MAIDA Hitomi, 11 years old, dance and sometimes detective.' I first thought that the girl, Hitomi, likes dancing and sometimes captures criminals, but it was fault. In reality her uncle and also a policeman, Saizou, captures criminals with the hints of the casual conversation with Hitomi. Very exciting short stories... could be a series? I hope so.

* Kurokoge Obaa-san, Koroshita-noha Daare? [Who killed the burned old woman?]
* Kin, Gin, Daiamond, Zakkuzaku [Crunching gold, silver, diamond...]
* Ii-Ojisan, Warui-Ojisan [Good man, Bad man.]
* Ii-Ojisan? Warui-Ojisan? [Good man? Bad man?]
* Tokage-ha Miteita Shittteita [The lizard watched and noticed.]
* Sono Hitomi-ni Utsuru-mono : [What is reflected on the pupils of the eyes. (The Japanese word 'hitomi' means the pupils of the eyes)]

(Finished reading on Mar.15, 2008)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* UTANO Shogo : 歌野晶午
* Maida Hitomi, 11 Sai, Dance Tokidoki Tantei : 舞田ひとみ11歳、ダンスときどき探偵
* Kurokoge Obaa-san, Koroshita-noha Daare? : 黒こげおばあさん、殺したのはだあれ?
* Kin, Gin, Daiamond, Zakkuzaku : 金、銀、ダイヤモンド、ザックザク
* Ii-Ojisan, Warui-Ojisan : いいおじさん、わるいおじさん
* Ii-Ojisan? Warui-Ojisan? : いいおじさん?わるいおじさん?
* Tokage-ha Miteita Shittteita : トカゲは見ていた知っていた
* Sono Hitomi-ni Utsuru-mono : そのひとみに映るもの

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Mar 18, 2008

"Houkago Tantei-Tai" by KURACHI Jun

Mr. Kurachi is a Japanese mystery writer. I think all of his books are extremely good, though he is a very slow writer. The English title by the author is "The Case of the Missing Useless Things", while the Japanese title means something like "The Detective Team After School." This is one of a series 'Mystery Land', which is written by many Japanese mystery writers.

In the third class of the fifth grade in an elementary school a serial cases occurred. A drawing, a hen, a hollow doll of invitation cat, and a tubular part of a soprano recorder were stolen almost every other day. Who stole them? and why??? The detective team consists of four pupils of this class began to investigate the case...

All Japanese characters (Kanji) have kana, which show how to pronounce, and this book contains fewer characters in a page than usual. This style is the policy of this series, and it must be in consideration of elementary and/or junior high school students. The content is very familiar for them, but adults also be able to enjoy this story. I believe this series is also very useful for Japanese learners.

(Finished reading on Mar.12, 2008)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* KURACHI Jun : 倉知淳
* Houkago Tantei-Tai : ほうかご探偵隊

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Mar 16, 2008

"Baka-no Kabe" by YORO Tsuyoshi

Mr. Yoro was a former professor of medical science at Tokyo university. He insists that monotheism has spread in Japan instead of pantheism which had been the main thinking for a long time. The result appears as the lack of common sense. Everyone or every small society makes a wall, and the communication is lost between people belonging different societies. He calls the wall as 'Baka-no Kabe', or an idiot's wall. He suggests that we have to stop pursuing the individual character and have to working for the common sense!

This book is very easy to read, but let us think various things. So I think this book is very nice. Actually this book became a million seller if my memory is correct.

(Finished reading on Mar.10, 2008)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* YORO Tsuyoshi : 養老孟司
* Baka-no Kabe : バカの壁

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Mar 14, 2008

"Shiono Nanami'Romajin-no Monogatari' special guide book" edited by Publishing Project Team in Shintyou-sya

This is a supplementary reader of 'Romajin-no Monogatari' series written by Shiono Nanami. It contains many pictures related to each books of the series, various rankings selected by editors and readers, a conversation, an interview, and so on. Full of interesting articles about 'Romajin-no Monogatari'!

(Finished reading on Mar.9, 2008)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Publishing Project Team in Shintyou-sya : 新潮社出版企画部
* Shiono Nanami'Romajin-no Monogatari' special guide book : 塩野七生『ローマ人の物語』スペシャル・ガイドブック

"Romajin-no Monogatari" series:

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Mar 13, 2008

"Neko-Tantei Syoutarou-no Bouken I Neko-ha Misshitu-de Jump-suru" by SHIBATA Yoshiki

Ms. Shibata is a Japanese write who mainly writes science fictions and mysteries. This is the first book of a series called 'Neko-Tantei Syoutarou-no Bouken' (An Adventure of Detective Cat - Syoutarou), and six short stories are involved.

But... there seems to be other long stories of Syoutarou before this series... Furthermore, Syoutarou is not a main character of some stories in this book --;;;

Anyway the titles of the short stories in this book are:
* 'Ai-suru S-heno Tinkonka' (A Requiem for Lovely S)
* 'Syoutarou-to Gurume-na Gogo-no Jiken' (A Matter of Gourmet with Syoutarou in the Afternoon )
* 'Hikaru Tsume' (Bright Nails)
* 'Syoutarou-to Hana-gara Shimon-no Bouken' (An Adventure of Syoutarou with Flower Shaped Death Crest ['death crest' and 'fingerprints' are the same pronunciation in Japanese and the use of it here may be double meaning.])
* 'Jingle Bell' (Jingle Bell)
* 'Syoutarou-to Inaka-no Jiken' (A Matter of Syoutarou in the Rural)

(Finished reading on Mar.7, 2008)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* SHIBATA Yoshiki : 柴田よしき
* Neko-Tantei Syoutarou-no Bouken I Neko-ha Misshitu-de Jump-suru : 猫探偵・正太郎の冒険I 猫は密室でジャンプする
* Ai-suru S-heno Tinkonka : 愛するSへの鎮魂歌
* Syoutarou-to Gurume-na Gogo-no Jiken : 正太郎とグルメな午後の事件
* Hikaru Tsume : 光る爪
* Syoutarou-to Hana-gara Shimon-no Bouken : 正太郎と花柄死紋の冒険
* Jingle Bell : ジングルベル
* Syoutarou-to Inaka-no Jiken : 正太郎と田舎の事件

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Mar 12, 2008

"Tosyokan Kakumei" by ARIKAWA Hiro

This is the fourth and the last book of 'Tosyokan Sensou' series. The main theme of this series is, I think, the freedom of expression, which is guaranteed in the Constitution of Japan. A side story is love story of many couples ^^;;; So the style is something like comedies.

The main couple is DOUJYOU Atsushi and KASAHARA Iku, a teacher and the student of the library army which is created against the media cleaning committee which had a power to do inspection. So many battles are described in this series.

A terrorist group attacked a nuclear power plant which locates in Fukui prefecture, Japan. It was soon suppressed, but a rumor was spread - saying that the terrorists learned many knowledge about the attack of nuclear plants. So the media cleaning committee tried to catch the author Touma, but the library army sheltered him from the committee...

(Finished reading on Mar.3, 2008)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* ARIKAWA Hiro : 有川浩
* Tosyokan Kakumei : 図書館革命

'Tosyokan Sensou' series:
1. 'Tosyokan Sensou' The Library War : 図書館戦争
2. 'Tosyokan Nairan' The Library Civil War : 図書館内乱
3. 'Tosyokan Kiki' The Library Crisis : 図書館危機
4. 'Tosyokan Kakumei' The Library Revolution : 図書館革命
Ex. 'Reinturi-no Kuni' The Nation of the Rain Tree : レインツリーの国

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Mar 10, 2008

"Kare-wo Tsukureru Ko-ha Sansuu-mo Dekiru" by KOHATA Hiroshi

The author is a retired (maybe mathematical) teacher. He expands the thought of AKIYAMA Jin, a Japanese famous mathematician, who says that there are four abilities to understand mathematics:
(1) You can insert a pair of shoes correctly.
(2) You can cook an unknown dish by using the recipe.
(3) You can look up an unknown word in a dictionary.
(4) You can draw the map which directs the way from your house to the school.

The title means "Those who can make curry can also understand mathematics well." This is in principle a book of educational, but it contains many examples and experiments. So it is very interesting to read!

(Finished reading on Mar.2, 2008)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* KOHATA Hiroshi : 木幡寛
* Kare-wo Tsukureru Ko-ha Sansuu-mo Dekiru : カレーを作れる子は算数もできる

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Mar 7, 2008

"Hito-ha Naze Kantan-ni Damasarerunoka" by YUKI Tomo

The author is a professional magician, and he wrote about deceiving. The title means "Why are people deceived easily?". He says that people have an instinct that he/she wants to believe, so that it is not possible to exclude to be deceived.

(Finished reading on Mar.2, 2008)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* YUKI Tomo : ゆうきとも
* Hito-ha Naze Kantan-ni Damasarerunoka : 人はなぜ簡単に騙されるのか

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Mar 6, 2008

"Romajin-no Monogatari (XV)" by SHIONO Nanami

This fifteenth and the final book of the "Roma-jin no Monogatari" series contains the history of the Roman Empire after the Emperor Theodosius. The Empire was divided into two - western and eastern, and the Western Roman Empire was vanished in 476. The Eastern Roman Empire lasted until 1453. However, Ms. Shiono thinks the destroy of the Western Empire was the end of the Roman Empire, because Rome was ruled by other people.

The 1st part: The last Roman (395-410)
The 2nd part: The destroy of the Roman Empire (410-476)
The 3rd part: After the Empire (476-)

At last the last book was finished reading! It took about 5 months to read this series. Of course this contains the history of the ancient Rome. However, this also seems to reveal the fundamental thinking and actions of the people which does not depend on the historical background.

(Finished reading on Mar.1, 2008)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

*** Ref. ***
"Romajin-no Monogatari" series:
No.15(this page!)

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* SHIONO Nanami : 塩野七生
* Roma-jin no Monogatari : ローマ人の物語
* Roma Sekai-no Syuuen : ローマ世界の終焉

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