Aug 31, 2007

Sand Eveningprimrose

This is probably 'Matsuyoigusa' or Sand eveningprimrose, though these flowers on the picture open even in the midday. The botanical name is Oenothera stricta.

There are many kinds of 'Matsuyoigusa' (about 80 in the world), and this is maybe 'Arechi-Matsuyoigusa'...

The name 'Yoimatsugusa' is commonly used, but not correct one. This name originates from a poem by Yumeji Takehisa (1884-1934):
待てど暮せど来ぬ人を 宵待草のやるせなさ 今宵は月も出ぬそうな
(Mate-do Kurase-do Konu Hito-wo, Yoimatsugusa-no Yarusenasa, Koyoi-ha Tsuki-mo Denusouna)

Japanese version of this article is: here!

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Aug 30, 2007


This is 'Yanagi-Tanpopo' or Hawkweed. The botanical name is Hieracium umbellatum.

At first I thought this is 'Yakushi-sou' or Youngia denticulata, but the shape of leaves seems to be slightly different...

The Japanese version of this article is here!

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Aug 29, 2007

Common garden petunia

This is 'Petunia' or Common garden petunia. The other Japanese name is 'Tsukubane-asagao'. The botanical name is Petunia hybrida Vilm.

... I wrote the above explanation. However, I cannot distinguish 'Petunia' from 'Surfinia' which is created from 'Petunia' by Suntory Co. Ltd....

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Aug 27, 2007

Japanese honeysuckle

This is 'Suikazura' or Japanese honeysuckle. The other Japanese name is 'Kingin-ka'. The botanical name is Lonicera japonica.

These pictures were taken on June 1... sorry that they are very old ones (^_^;;; At first the flowers were all white, then some of them change into light yellow... I thought it is the end of the flowers. But it is a typical character of this tree! The Japanese name 'Kingin-ka' means a golden and silver flowers, which shows the above feature.

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Aug 26, 2007


This is 'Ohbako' or Plantain. The botanical name is Plantago asiatica.

The seeds(?) are carried by shoes, so this appears near the path where people walk. Moreover if nobody steps on this plant, it seems to disappear... This is also used as a medicine for many kinds of sicknesses.

Aug 24, 2007

Purple Coneflower

This is 'Ekinacea-purpurea' or Purple Coneflower --- the purple version of the yesterday's flower. The other Japanese name is 'Murasaki-baren-giku'. The botanical name is Echinacea purpurea cv. Magnus.

Aug 23, 2007


This is 'Rudbeckia' or Coneflower. The botanical name is Rudbeckia. The flower of cone is like this?

A part of 'Oohangon-sou', which was grown for ornamental plant before world war II in Japan, escaped and became Rudbeckia.

Aug 21, 2007

Rose of Sharon

This is 'Mukuge' or Rose of Sharon. The other Japanese names are 'Hachisu' and 'Kihachisu', and the other English names are Shrubby balthaea, and Syrian hibiscus. The botanical name is Hibiscus syriacus.

There seems to be many types of flowers in this tree. The first one is probably Mukuge. The second and the third ones are also ... maybe.

Aug 20, 2007


A typical flower of this season is this --- 'Himawari' or Sunflower. The other Japanese names are 'Nichirion-sou' and 'Higuruma'. The botanical name is Helianthus annuus.

Many people say that 'The flower of Himawari follows the sun.', but the one in this picture stays all day long (^_^;;;

Aug 19, 2007

Showy eveningprimrose

This is 'Momoiro-Hiruzaki-Tsukimisou' or Showy eveningprimrose. Both names are very long... The botanical name is Oenothera specios.

The background is slightly dark because these pictures were take early in the morning... But of course, these flowers are open following the meaning of 'Hiruzaki' (^_^)

Aug 18, 2007


This is 'Marigold'. The other names are 'Sansyou-giku', 'Senjyu-giku', 'Manjyu-giku', 'Kujyaku-sou', and 'Kouou-sou'. The English name is also Marigold. And the botanical name is Tagetes patula.

There are mainly two kinds of Marigold. One is French marigold, and the other is African marigold. These pictures show the French one.

Aug 17, 2007

Confederate / Cotton rose

This is 'Fuyou' or Confederate rose. The other English name is Cotton rose. The botanical name is Hibiscus mutabilis.

There are other kind of 'Fuyou', 'Sui-Fuyou', which opens the white flower in the morning and changes the color to red in the evening. The meaning of 'Sui' is get drunk. The pictures were taken at around 15:20, so this seems to be a normal 'Fuyou' (^_^)

Aug 15, 2007


This is 'Saru-suberi' or Crape-myrtle. The botanical name is Lagerstroemia indica.

The Japanese name 'Saru-suberi' has two Kanji (Japanese characters). One is '百日紅' and the other is '猿滑り'. The two are different trees but both has the same type of bark... even monkey cannot climb the trees - that is the meaning of 'Saru-suberi'. The one in the pictures is '百日紅'.

Aug 14, 2007


This is 'Salvia' or Sage. The other Japanese name is 'Higoromo-sou'. The botanical name is Salvia splendens. It seems that there are many kinds of sages which are called 'something sage'. But I don't know the detail, and which sage the one on the pictures is.

I can remember there are many Salvia in the elementary school I went.


This is 'Hirugao' or Bindwood. The other English names are Seaside morning glory, Beach morning glory, Railroad vine, Bayhops, and so on. The botanical name is Calystegia japonica choicy.

I think this is not 'Asagao' or Japanese morning glory...

Aug 10, 2007

Virginia pepperweed

This is 'Mame-gunbai-nazuna' and *NOT* normal 'Nazuna'. The other name is 'Kobe-nazuna'. The English name is Virginia pepperweed. The botanical name is Lepidium virginicum.

If you see it close, this is very similar to the normal 'Nazuna'. But we can distinguish them easily by observing it from far away.

Aug 9, 2007


This is 'Tapian'. Probably the English name is also Tapian??? The botanical name is Verbena X hybrida cv. Tapian.

This is created by a Japanese beer company 'Suntory'.