Oct 31, 2007

"Hari no Ten" by KITAMURA Kaoru

The author, KITAMURA Kaoru, is one of my favorite writers. His first book was the key to start reading books for me.

This book contains three consecutive stories; "Maboroshi no Hashi" (illusion of a bridge), "Soufuren" (a song played by old instruments of Japanese style), and "Hari no Ten" (glass ceiling) - the title one. And this is the second book of Bekki-san's series. It is in the early Syouwa period (around 1933), and Bekki-san is a nickname of Ms. Bekku - a driver of Hanamura family. She takes Eiko - the daughter of Hanamura family - to her school every day, and sometimes makes a good advice for various mysterious things which happen around Eiko. And at last the origin of Bekki-san appears at the end of this book!

(Finished reading on Oct.23, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* KITAMURA Kaoru : 北村薫
* Hari no Ten : 玻璃の天
* Maboroshi no Hashi : 幻の橋
* Soufuren : 想夫恋

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Persicaria maculata???

This is 'Inutade' or 'Akamanma'. I cannot find out the English name, but the name of very similar plant is Persicaria maculata. Please let me know if you know the real name. m(_ _)m The botanical name is Polygonum longisetum.

I am sorry that the pictures are slightly out of focus m(_ _)m

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Inutade : 犬蓼
* Akamanma : 赤まんま

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Oct 30, 2007

"Mou Jibun-Nenkin wo Tsukurushikanai!!" by ASAI Takashi

The author, Mr. ASAI, constructed a company called 'Daini Kaientai', and it is known to fan the public fear of the national collapse. The title of this book means 'We have to make our pensions by ourselves'.

I agree that the national financial situation of Japan is extremely bad, but cannot agree that the national collapse occurs soon. After I started reading this book, I noticed that this is the third book of a series... but now I don't need to read other ones (^_^;;;

(Finished reading on Oct.21, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* ASAI Takashi : 浅井隆
* Mou Jibun-Nenkin wo Tsukurushikanai!! : もう、自分年金を作るしかない!!

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Latin American Fleabane

This is 'Perapera-Yomena' or latin American fleabane. The other Japanese names are 'Mukyuu-Giku', 'Perapera-Himejyoon', and 'Genpei-Kogiku'. The other English name is Mexican daisy. The botanical name is Erigeron karvinskianus.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Perapera-Yomena : ペラペラ嫁菜
* Mukyuu-Giku : 無休菊
* Perapera-Himejyoon : ぺらぺら姫女苑
* Genpei-Kogiku : 源平小菊

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Oct 27, 2007

Skunk Vine

This is 'Hekuso-Kazura' or skunk vine. The other Japanese names are 'Yaito-bana' and 'Saotome-bana'. The botanical name is Paederia scandens.

Sorry that the pictures are out of focus.

Though I didn't notice, it seems to smell extremely bad...

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Hekuso-Kazura : 屁糞葛
* Yaito-bana : 灸花
* Saotome-bana : 早乙女花

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Oct 26, 2007

"Kazu ni Tsuyokunaru" by HATAMURA Youtarou

The author Mr. Hatamura was a professor of Tokyo University, and the title of this book means "To be strong to numbers". He is trying to explain how to be strong to numbers, how to be sensitive to numbers, how to get the messages from numbers, and how to use the numbers. The target of this book is those who dislike numbers, business person, householders, students, and teachers of mathematics. But of course, those who likes math also enjoy reading this book. This book also contains many unnecessary things (^_^;;;

(Finished reading on Oct.21, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* HATAMURA Youtarou : 畑村洋太郎
* Kazu ni Tsuyokunaru : 数に強くなる

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This is 'Ine' or rice. The botanical name is Oryza sativa.

Rice is the main food for Japanese people, but I've heard that some recent children don't know this... (-_-;;;

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Ine : 稲

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Oct 24, 2007

"Kokka-Hatan ha Arienai" by MASUDA Etsusuke

The title of this book means that "There is no chance that the nation (Japan) will be crashed"... very sensational (^_^;;; Yes, this book discusses the Japanese national finance.

According to the author,
* The JGB (Japanese Government Bond) is the debt of the nation
(government) and NOT of the people!
* The economy of Japan is not bad, and could not be bad for future, too!
* The decreasing of the national population is not bad!
So the nation (Japan) cannot be crashed!!!

The opinion is extreme, but the contents are very interesting contradictory to my expectation.

The recognition of the present status is almost the same as Mr. Sakaiya, a former director general of the Economic Planning Agency. However, the conclusion we should take from now is completely opposite!

(Finished reading on Oct.21, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* MASUDA Etsusuke : 増田悦佐
* Kokka-Hatan ha Arienai : 国家破綻はありえない

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Vegetable Tallow

This is 'Nankin-Haze' or vegetable tallow. The botanical name is Triadica sebifera Sapium sebiferum.

The Japanese word 'Haze' means a different plant, which had been used to get wax. This tree was (is?) used instead of the normal 'Haze'. The 'Nankin' is a name of a city locating in the southern part of China.

From now the color of the leaves will change to yellow or red. We can see this in many parks in Japan.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Nankin-Haze : 南京黄櫨

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"Romajin-no Monogatari (II)" by SHIONO Nanami

The second book of the "Roma-jin no Monogatari" series is about the Punic Wars, which were fought between Rome and Carthage. (264 BC to 146 BC) The subtitle of the book is 'Hannibal Senki' or Hannibal War. I think many European people know very much about these wars, but we Japanese do not know so much. In fact I studied the world history in the senior high school, but I have almost no knowledge in my memory (^_^;;; According to the author SHIONO, a typical text of the world history for Japanese students of senior high schools contains only five lines for the description of this book.

After Rome pushed away the Carthage from Sicily by the First Punic War (264 BC to 241 BC), there were some peaceful time in Rome. However, when the Carthaginian Hannibal crossed the Alps, the Second Punic War (218 BC - 241 BC) started in the main land of Italy. The Roman armies were defeated many times by him, but at last a young Roman commander Scipio succeeded to run Hannibal out of Italy. Rome destroyed the Macedonia in 167 BC, then Carthage was also ruined after the Third Punic War (149 BC to 146 BC).

(Finished reading on Oct.19, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Hannibal Senki : ハンニバル戦記

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Chinese silver grass

The moon of tonight is called 'Kuri-Meigetsu' in Japan. 'Kuri' means chestnuts and 'Meigetsu' means a good moon. Tonight chestnuts should be put in front of the moon(?), though I did not know about it (^_^;;;

Anyway moon and this plant is a famous pair in Japan. This is 'Susuki' or Chinese silver grass. The other Japanese names are 'Obana', 'Kaya', 'Tsuyumigusa', and so on. The other English name is silver grass. The botanical name is Miscanthus sinensis.

I gave up to approach the 'Susuki' of the last picture (^_^;;;

Also there is some kinds of 'Susuki's. This is 'Takanoha-Susuki' or zebra grass. The other Japanese names are 'Yahazu-Susuki', 'Torafu-Susuki', and so on. The botanical name is Miscanthus sinensis cv. Zebrinus.

I found it but cannot decide the name in June, but I can call it 'Takanoha-Susuki' now (^_^)

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Susuki : 薄 or 芒
* Obana : 尾花
* Kaya : 茅
* Tsuyumigusa : 露見草
* Takanoha-Susuki : 鷹の羽薄
* Yahazu-Susuki : 矢筈薄
* Torafu-Susuki : 虎斑薄

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Oct 23, 2007

Fragrant Orange-colored Olive

This is 'Kinmokusei' or fragrant orange-colored olive. The other English names are sweet olive, fragrant tea olive, and so on. The botanical name is Osmanthus fragrans v. aurantiacus.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Kinmokusei : 金木犀

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Oct 20, 2007

Trailing lantana

This is 'Koba-no Lantana' or trailing lantana. The other Japanese name is 'Montevidensis', and the other English name is weeping lantan. The botanical name is Lantana montevidensis.

There seems to be two types of lantana: one is the normal lantana whose color of the flower changes from yellow to orange and finally to red. Another is this 'Koba-no Lantana' whose color does not change.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Koba-no Lantana : 小葉のランタナ

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Oct 19, 2007


This is a 'Cosmos', the Japanese and English names are same. I suddenly found only one at the place in the picture (^_^)

The above two pictures are the same cosmos. When I used flashlight, the color of the flower became white like the first one (^_^;;;

Of course we usually find many at a glance like the following picture (^_^)

The other Japanese names are 'Aki-zakura' and 'Oo-Harusyagiku'. The botanical name is Cosmos bipinnatus.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Cosmos, Aki-zakura : 秋桜
* Oo-Harusyagiku : 大ハルシャ菊

The same character (kanji) has two types of reading for this flower!

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Oct 18, 2007

Japanese morning glory

This is 'Asagao' or Japanese morning glory, though the flower is too big! The botanical name is Pharbitis nil.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Asagao : 朝顔

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Oct 17, 2007

"Tyou-Nyumon Nihon-Kokusai" by CHIYODA Keisuke

CHIYODA Keisuke is a journalist who writes economic articles especially about bonds in newspaper. In this book he explains the Japanese Government Bonds (JGB) extremely easily ('Tyou-Nyumon') for beginners.

The story is that an elderly woman (age 64) studies about the JGB by communicating many persons; a bank clerk, a clerk of a security company, a bank manager at the bond section, a professor who studies the national finance, a journalist, and a writer.

This is really easy to understand the JGB and the Japanese national finance. I should have read this book first...

(Finished reading on Oct.15, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* CHIYODA Keisuke : 千代田圭之
* Tyou-Nyumon : 超入門
* Nihon-Kokusai : 日本国債

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Oct 16, 2007

"Yakan-Hikou" by Antoine de Sant-Exupery

Probably as you know, Antoine de Sant-Exupery is a pilot and a famous write in the world. Japanese people usually call his name only 'Sant-Exupery'.

Anyway this book contains two stories. One is 'Yakan-Hikou' or 'Vol de Nuit' and the other is 'Nanpou-Yuubin-ki' or 'Courrier Sud'. Both are written about the air services in the beginning of 20th century. At that time the manipulation of airplanes was extremely difficult, and flight at night or over large desert was very dangerous.

Honestly speaking, these stories were very difficult for me - especially 'Courrier Sud'. One reason is that the translation is very literal probably because the translator wanted to reserve the rhythm of the original sentences. The other reason is that the sentences has very much decoration; adjectives, adverbs, and figures. Maybe these stories are necessary to be read many times to understand!

(Finished reading on Oct.13, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Antoine de Sant-Exupery : サン=テグジュペリ
* Yakan-Hikou : 夜間飛行
* Nanpou-Yuubin-ki : 南方郵便機

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Variegated lilyturf

This is 'Fuiri-Yaburan' or variegated lilyturf. The botanical name is Liriope platyphylla cv. Variegata.

The Japanese word 'Fuiri' means 'including white line'. There is a kind of 'Yaburan' which has no white lines in the leaves, which is the normal 'Yaburan' (^_^;;;

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Fuiri-Yaburan : 斑入り藪蘭

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Oct 13, 2007

"Nihon-Kokusai (ge)" by KOHDA Main

The last of this story is ... please read! (^_^)

In Japan there were a group called 'Syndicate-dan (Shi-dan)' or Syndicate party which consists of almost all monetary facilities in Japan; city and local banks, security companies, insurance companies, and so on. This group had bought all the unsold JGB, so the 'Mitatsu' would have never occurred in Japan... at least in 2000 when this story was written. Now the Shi-dan was dissolved and 'Mitatsu' occurred in 2002 for the first time after the World War II, though there were almost no confusion except for some drop in JGB market...

The Japanese word 'ge' means down, which is sometimes used for the second and the last part of a book separated into two.

(Finished reading on Oct.9, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Syndicate-dan : シンジケート団

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Day flower

This is 'Tsuyu-kusa' or day flower. The botanical name is Commelina
communis L.

Sorry not good pictures m(_ _)m

In Japan this was called 'Tsuki-kusa' which means easy to color with,
I think.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Tsuyu-kusa : 露草

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Oct 12, 2007

"Nihon-Kokusai (jyou)" by KOHDA Main

KOHDA Main is a writer and also a TV commentator. She was born in 1951 in Youkaichi city in Shiga prefecture, near the Lake Biwa (the largest lake in Japan) at the middle of Japan. She often writes economic novels, and this book is about 'Nihon-Kokusai' or Japanese government bonds (JGB).

When some part of the JGB the Japanese government issued is left unsold, the state is called 'Mitatsu'. In this book the 'Mitatsu' occurred for the first time, and the market was confused. Then the bond and stock markets as well as the Japanese Yen suddenly dropped, and ...

The Japanese word 'jyou' means up, which is sometimes used for the first part of a book separated into two.

(Finished reading on Oct.8, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* KOHDA Main : 幸田真音
* Nihon-Kokusai : 日本国債
* Mitatsu : 未達

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Oct 11, 2007

Maron (part 2)

Again we have come back to 'Kuri' or Maron!

The other day I wondered around my house, and found that there are many maron trees around here. Much larger trees than that at the side of the car parking can be found here and there (^_^).

The other English name is Japanese chestnut. The botanical name is Castanea crenata.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

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"Romajin-no Monogatari (I)" by SHIONO Nanami

SHIONO Nanami is a famous Japanese writer. She lives in Italy and writing many books mainly about Italian history. One of the series of her books is this "Roma-jin no Monogatari" or 'the tales of Romans'.

I read the first book of this series whose subtitle is "Roma-ha Ichinichi-ni-shite Narazu" or 'Rome cannot be built in a day'. This contains the history from the founding of Ancient Rome in A.D. 753 to the unification of the Italy Peninsula in A.D. 270.

(Finished reading on Oct.8, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* SHIONO Nanami : 塩野七生
* Romajin-no Monogatari : ローマ人の物語
* Roma-ha Ichinichi-ni-shite Narazu : ローマは一日にして成らず

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Thymeleaf sandwort

The pictures are not good and I forgot where I took them, so I could not find out the name of this plant. But recently I got it!

This is 'Nomi-no Tsuzuri' or thymeleaf sandwort. The Japanese word 'Nomi' means lice, and 'Tsuzuri' means shabby clothes. The botanical name is Arenaria serpyllifolia.

The size of the flowers is very small --- about 5mm. And I took these pictures in last spring (^_^;;;

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Nomi-no Tsuzuri : 蚤の綴り

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