Nov 28, 2007

"Romajin-no Monogatari (V)" by SHIONO Nanami

This fifth book of the "Roma-jin no Monogatari" series is also about Gaius Julius Caesar like the fourth one. The subtitle is "Julius Caesar - after the Rubicon", and it contains his history after crossing the Rubicon river in 49 BC and the events occurred after his assassination on March 15 in 44 BC. After he destroyed Pompey and his fellows in the Civil War, he tried to change the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire, but before he succeeded to do this, he was assassinated. But his grand-nephew, Gaius Octavius, continued to have the Caesar's will, and succeeded to change.

(Finished reading on Nov.21, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Julius Caesar - after the Rubicon : ユリウス・カエサル ルビコン以後

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This is 'Mizuhiki' or jumpseed. The other Japanese name is 'Mizuhiki-sou'. The botanical name is Polygonum filiforme.

The Japanese word 'Mizuhiki' means a small ornament on an envelope, which is used for blessed gifts in Japan. The ornament is made of red and white strings and they are tied. I forgot to check when I took these pictures, but this flower seems to have white color when we see from the back. That's why this flower named 'Mizuhiki'. (The word 'sou' means grasses in Japanese.)

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Mizuhiki : 水引
* Mizuhiki-sou : 水引草

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Nov 27, 2007

"Kamogawa Holmoo" by MAKIME Manabu

This is the first time for me to read the book by Mr. Makime, who is a young new writer in Japan. The hero of this story, who is a new student of Kyoto university, drew a cow carriage for a part-time job during the Aoi-Matsuri, which is one of three largest festivals in Kyoto city. After that he was invited to a party, which was the beginning of a historical strange horrible matches called 'Holmoo'...

(Finished reading on Nov.19, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Kamogawa Holmoo : 鴨川ホルモー
* MAKIME Manabu : 万城目学

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Winter Cherry(?)

This is 'Fuyu-zakura'. I cannot find out the English name, but if we translate the 'Fuyu-zakura' into English, it is a winter cherry. The other Japanese names are 'Koba-zakura' and 'Jyuugatsu-zakura'. Their means are a cherry with small leaves and a cherry in October. The botanical name is Prunus X parvifolia Koehne.

While one third of the flowers open in winter (between October and December), the other two third open in spring (April). The above pictures were taken about 1 month ago in Okayama prefecture, and soon, I think, they will be in full bloom! (^_^)

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Fuyu-zakura : 冬桜
* Koba-zakura : 小葉桜
* Jyuugatsu-zakura : 十月桜

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Nov 23, 2007


This is 'Oxalis Bowiei' or oxalis. The other Japanese names are 'Seiyou-Katabami' and 'Hana-Katabami'. The botanical name is Oxalis bowiei.

It seems that 'oxys' is a Greek word meaning sour.

After this, the flowers will open, maybe...

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Oxalis Bowiei : オキザリス・ボーウィ
* Seiyou-Katabami : 西洋片喰
* Hana-Katabami : 花酢漿草

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Nov 22, 2007

Golden Glove Amaranth

This is 'Kibana-Sennichikou' or golden glove amaranth. The other Japanese names are 'Kibana-Sennichisou', 'America-Sennichikou', and 'America-Sennichisou'. The botanical name is Gomphrena haageana.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Kibana : 黄花
* Sennichikou : 千日紅
* Sennichisou : 千日草
* America : アメリカ

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Nov 21, 2007

"Romajin-no Monogatari (IV)" by SHIONO Nanami

The fourth and fifth books of the "Roma-jin no Monogatari" series is about Gaius Julius Caesar, and this fourth one, which has the subtitle of "Julius Caesar - before the Rubicon", describes his history before he crossed the Rubicon river in 49 BC. This means that the Gallic War is mainly written.

(Finished reading on Nov.11, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Julius Caesar - before the Rubicon : ユリウス・カエサル ルビコン以前

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This is 'Nanten' or nandina. The botanical name is Nandina domestica.

Sorry that the picture is out of focus.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Nanten : 南天

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Nov 20, 2007

Pampas Grass

This is pampas grass both in Japanese and English. The other Japanese name is 'Shirogane-yoshi'. The botanical name is Cortaderia argentea.

Very tall - maybe about 3 to 5 meters. This originates in the grassland of South America which is called the pampas, so the name is pampas grass!

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* pampas grass : パンパスグラス
* Shirogane-yoshi : 白銀葭

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Nov 13, 2007

Feather Cockscomb

Also another celosia...

This is 'Nogeitou' or feather cockscomb. The other Japanese and English name is celosia. The botanical name is Celosia argentea.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Nogeitou : 野鶏頭

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Nov 10, 2007


This is 'Keitou' or woolflower. The other Japanese names are 'Karaai', 'Tosaka-Keitou', 'Umou-Geitou' etc. The other English name is cockscomb. The botanical name is Celosia cristata.

I had thought that the name comes from wool, because the pronunciation of cockscomb in Japanese is very similar to that of wool... (^_^;;;

Many short poem of Japanese style, called 'Waka' or 'Haiku' include this flower. For example,

Waga Yado ni, Karaai Makiohoshi, Karenuredo, Korizutematamo, Makamutoso Omofu
by YAMABENO Akahito

Akikaze no, Fuki-nokoshiteya, Keitou-ka
by YOSA Buson

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Keitou : 鶏頭
* Karaai : 韓藍
* Tosaka-Keitou : 鶏冠鶏頭
* Umou-Geitou : 羽毛鶏頭
* Waga Yado ni ... : わが屋戸に 韓藍蒔き生し 枯れぬれど 懲りずてまたも 蒔かむとそ思ふ
* YAMABENO Akahito : 山部赤人
* Akikaze no ... : 秋風の 吹きのこしてや 鶏頭花
* YOSA Buson : 与謝蕪村

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Nov 9, 2007

"Syo no Mikata" by KOMATSU Shigemi

The author, KOMATSU Shigemi, is a famous scholar of 'Syo', though I did not know about him (^_^;;; The Japanese word 'Syo' means calligraphy - writing characters especially using brush on papers. This contains not only a method of communication but also a part of arts.

The oldest 'Syo' present in Japanese was written in the 1st century by SYOUTOKU Taishi, whose portrait is printed in old Japanese bills (The present bills does not contain his...) From then many 'Syo' has been reserved, and this book introduces some famous ones among these using pictures.

(Finished reading on Nov.7, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* KOMATSU Shigemi : 小松茂美
* Syo no Mikata : 書のみかた
* SYOUTOKU Taishi : 聖徳太子

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This is labeled dianthus... The name is the same in English and Japanese. The botanical name is Dianthus ssp. I cannot figure out more detailed things.

In general, the plants in Dianthus group are called 'dianthus' except for carnations. In Japan they are sometimes called 'Nadeshiko', so we might call them 'Nadeshiko', though I am not so sure.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* dianthus : ダイアンサス
* Nadeshiko : 撫子

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Nov 8, 2007

Foxtail Grass

This is 'Enokoro-gusa' or foxtail grass. The other Japanese name is 'Neko-jyarashi', and the other English name is green bristle grass. The botanical name is Setaria viridis.

The Japanese word 'Enokoro' comes from 'Inukoro' which means doggies, and the 'Neko' means cats. We Japanese don't choose fox for this plant! (^_^)

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Enokoro-gusa : 犬ころ草 or 狗尾草
* Neko-jyarashi : 猫じゃらし

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Nov 7, 2007

Blue Morning Glory

Today's picture is another morning glory (^_^)

This is 'Seiyou Asagao' or blue morning glory. The other Japanese name is 'Sorairo Asagao'. There are some kinds of morning glories, but this blue one is called 'Heavenly Blue' (only in Japan?). The botanical name is Ipomoea tricolor 'Heavenly Blue'.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Seiyou Asagao : 西洋朝顔
* Sorairo Asagao : 空色朝顔

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Nov 6, 2007

Angels' Trumpets

This is "Kidachi Tyousen Asagao" or angels' trumpets. The other Japanese name is "Tenshi no Rappa", which means angels' trumpets. The botanical name is Datura metel.

The color of the flowers change from white to yellow then to brown. I could check the change from white to yellow so far (^_^)

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Kidachi Tyousen Asagao : 木立朝鮮朝顔
* Tenshi no Rappa : 天使のラッパ

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Nov 5, 2007

"Nakaniwa no Dekigoto" by ONDA Riku

This story has an extremely complicated structure; a drama played in another drama played in another drama played in ... Please check how many times dramas are nested by reading this book by your self! (^_^;;;

The meaning of the title is "An occurrence in a courtyard", and a person dies by taking poison. Is it a murder case? or a self-suicide? or an accident?

Many mysteries are presented: some of which are given answers and others are left unsolved. And at the end of this story all will be combined into one!

(Finished reading on Nov.3, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Nakaniwa no Dekigoto : 中庭の出来事

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This is 'Kaki' or persimmon. The other English name is sharon fruit, which is a registered trademark in many countries. The botanical name is Diospyros kaki.

This is one of very familiar fruits in Japan. This originates in east Asia, and imported in 19th century to Europe or America. There are two kinds of 'Kaki'; one is sweet one which we can eat raw, and the other one is very astringent one which we usually eat after drying them.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Kaki : 柿

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Nov 4, 2007

"Romajin-no Monogatari (III)" by SHIONO Nanami

The third book of the "Roma-jin no Monogatari" series is about the struggles after the establishment of a large country around the Mediterranean Sea. There are some famous people in this period including Gaius Gracchus (154-121 BC), Gaius Sempronius Gracchus (153-121 BC), Gaius Marius (157-86 BC), Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix (138-78 BC), and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (106-48 BC). The enemy in this period is mainly in Rome as the subtitle of this book 'Syousya no Konmei (Confusion of the winner)' shows. After them the famous Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) appears, but that is written in the next book.

(Finished reading on Oct.31, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Syousya no Konmei : 勝者の混迷

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Tall Goldenrod

This is 'Seitaka Awadachi-sou' or tall goldenrod. The botanical name is Solidago altissima.

We can see here and there at this season in Japan.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Seitaka Awadachi-sou : 背高泡立草

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Nov 2, 2007

"Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru" by MIURA Shiwon

MIURA Shiwon is a famous Japanese writer. So far I read some essays but a few novels. This is one of her novels, and I enjoyed very much.

The meaning of the title is "It's blowing hard", and it is about 'Ekiden' or a long-distance relay road race. In Japan there are many 'Ekiden' races especially in winter. One of the most famous ones is 'Hakone Ekiden', which is held in 2 and 3 January every year. In that race universities in Kanto area (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba, Gunma, Tochigi, and Yamanashi prefectures) compete each other. On 2 January the runners start from Tokyo, five runners connect their 'Tasuki' or sash and went to Hakone, about 110km away from Tokyo. The second day (3 January) is the return trip. So total ten runners for each group run in this race. We can see on TV and it is one of popular amusements in New Year's holidays in Japan.

The heros of this book is ten students of Kansei Univ. who lives in an old apartment 'Chikusei-sou'. Most of them are amateurs of 'Ekiden' and/or marathon, but they aim to run the 'Hakone Ekiden'. Of course there are many difficulties: getting the right to run the trial race, get a good score in the trial race, and so on...

The trial race of this year (2007) seems to be held on 20 October!

(Finished reading on Oct.28, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* MIURA Shiwon : 三浦しをん
* Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru : 風が強く吹いている

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Nov 1, 2007

White Japanese Beautyberry???

This is 'Shiroshikibu'. I cannot look up the English name, but this is a white version of 'Murasakishikibu', so white Japanese beautyberry??? Anyway the botanical name is Callicarpa japonica f. albibacca.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Shiroshikibu : 白式部

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"Komorebi ni Oyogu Sakana" by ONDA Riku

The author, ONDA Riku, is also one of my favorite writers. Her description of human minds is very nice!

This story is relatively normal in her books. A young man and a woman are spending the last night in their room before they will separate in the next morning. The trigger to separate is a hiking in a low mountain, during which a guide for them died... They talk about the short trip and find various new things.

(Finished reading on Oct.25, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* ONDA Riku : 恩田陸
* Komorebi ni Oyogu Sakana : 木洩れ日に泳ぐ魚

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