"Romajin-no Monogatari (V)" by SHIONO Nanami
This fifth book of the "Roma-jin no Monogatari" series is also about Gaius Julius Caesar like the fourth one. The subtitle is "Julius Caesar - after the Rubicon", and it contains his history after crossing the Rubicon river in 49 BC and the events occurred after his assassination on March 15 in 44 BC. After he destroyed Pompey and his fellows in the Civil War, he tried to change the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire, but before he succeeded to do this, he was assassinated. But his grand-nephew, Gaius Octavius, continued to have the Caesar's will, and succeeded to change.
(Finished reading on Nov.21, 2007)
The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!
Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Julius Caesar - after the Rubicon : ユリウス・カエサル ルビコン以後
Labels: book, Japanese, SHIONO Nanami