Dec 31, 2007

"Syoumen-wo Muita Tori-no E-ga Kakemasuka?" by YAMAGUCHI Masami

The author is a psychologist and a professor at Chuo University. And this book is about the human beings recognition of vision through his/her eyes by his/her brain, which is the author's specialty.

The title means "Can you draw a bird's picture from the front?". This is an example of the difficulty in drawing pictures. We see solids in the three dimension, and figures are drawn on a paper in the two dimension. As you may notice easily after thinking a little, this action of drawing is very difficult. In addition it's not appropriate to draw a picture like a photograph, because we see only the solids which we want to see, and that makes very large distortion in our brain memory. Then when we human being to recognize solids? Recently many interesting results are coming out by the experiments using babies. The newest results are easily presented in this book.

(Finished reading on Dec.24, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* YAMAGUCHI Masami : 山口真美
* Syoumen-wo Muita Tori-no E-ga Kakemasuka? : 正面を向いた鳥の絵が描けますか?

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Cold Camellia(?)

The picture below shows 'Kan-Tsubaki'. It originates in Japan, and it has no English name as far as I know. The Japanese name means cold camellia. The botanical name is Camellia hiemalis.

The difference between Kan-Tsubaki and Sazanka (Sasanqua) is the height: Sazanka grows more than 1m height, while Kan-Tsubaki grows horizontally.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Kan-Tsubaki : 寒椿

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Dec 27, 2007

Japanese Beautyberry

This is 'Murasakishikibu' or Japanese beautyberry. The other Japanese names are 'Mimurasaki' or 'Komegome'. The botanical name is Callicarpa japonica.

Murasakishikibu is a Japanese writer who lived in Heian-period, about 1200 years ago. She is famous for the story called 'Genji-Monogatari'.

I wrote about 'Komurasaki' and 'Shiroshikibu' on the end of last October. At that time I also tried to find out this 'Murasakishikibu', but failed. However, suddenly I found it! The leaves are died, but this must be 'Murasakishiibu' due to the plate on the plant.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Murasakishikibu : 紫式部
* Mimurasaki : 実紫
* Komegome : コメゴメ

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Dec 26, 2007

"Kitsune-Wana" by KITAMORI Kou

Mr. KITAMORI was born in 1961 at Shimonoseki in Japan.

The heroin of this story is a shop-less antique dealer whose name is USAMI Touko. Though she has no shop, her style name on business is Touko-dou, which means Winter Fox Hall. Though her business scale is small, she has been doing good business. But one day she had gotten an imitation of glass by Mr. Tachibana of Kikun-dou. Then a man whose name is TEI appeared, and she decided to do the revenge. But an murder case occurred, and police began the investigation...

This story contains lots of antique knowledge, antique business, and so on, and very exciting story!

The title of the book means Fox Trap, but we cannot decide whether Fox's Trap or Trap to capture Fox. Of course here the Fox means Touko. This book seems to be the first book of a series called 'USAMI Touko series'. I'd like to continue to read the series!

(Finished reading on Dec.24, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* KITAMORI Kou : 北森鴻
* Kitsune-Wana : 狐罠

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English Holly

Christmas has almost over...
But anyway, this is 'Seiyou-Hiiragi' or English holly. The other English name is common holly. The botanical name is Ilex aquifolium.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Seiyou-Hiiragi : 西洋柊

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Dec 25, 2007

"Romajin-no Monogatari (VII)" by SHIONO Nanami

This seventh book of the "Roma-jin no Monogatari" series is written about four emperors after the first emperor Augustus. The second emperor Tiberius Caesar Augustus (Reign: 14 Sep.14 - 16 Mar.37) was an economist, the third emperor Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus who is known as Caligula (Reign: 18 Mar.37 - 24 Jan.41) was a lavish spender, the fourth emperor Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (Reign: 24 Jan.41 - 13 Oct.54) was a historian, and the fifth emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (Reign: 13 Oct.54 - 9 Jun.68) was an artist. They all have relationship to Augustus, but after them the relation was disconnected. The historians of the Roman Empire, Tacitus and Svetonius, wrote these emperors very badly in their writings, and the subtitle of this book is "Akumei-takaki Koutei-tachi" or Emperors of Ill Fame.

(Finished reading on Dec.22, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* SHIONO Nanami : 塩野七生
* Roma-jin no Monogatari : ローマ人の物語
* Akumei-takaki Koutei-tachi : 悪名高き皇帝たち

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Dec 22, 2007

Chinese bush fruit?

This is 'Yusura-ume' or Chinese bush fruit. The other English name is nanking cherry. The botanical name is Prunus tomentosa.

... so the plate said. But the real one seems to fruit around July... (^_^;;;

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Yusura-ume : ゆすら梅

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Dec 21, 2007

Ornamental Kale

This is 'Habotan' or ornamental kale. The other Japanese names are 'Botan-na' and 'Oranda-na'. The botanical name is Brassica oleracea var. acephala.

The meanings of 'Habotan', 'Botan-na', and 'Oranda-na' are leaf-peony, pony-green, and Holland-green. This is one of typical winter plants in Japan.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Habotan : 葉牡丹
* Botan-na : 牡丹菜
* Oranda-na : 阿蘭陀菜

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Dec 20, 2007


This is 'Pansy'. The English name is also pansy. The other Japanese name is 'Sanshiki-Sumire'. The botanical name is Viola tricolor var. hortensis.

The small breed is sometimes called 'Viola'. The Japanese word 'Sanshiki-Sumire' means a viola with three colors. And there are also many kinds of pansy in the world.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Pansy : パンジー
* Sanshiki-Sumire : 三色菫
* Viola : ヴィオラ

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Dec 19, 2007


This is 'Sazanka' or sasanqua. The botanical name is Camellia sasanqua.

This plant opens its beautiful clear flowers in this silent (little flower) season, so it stands out very much. There seems to be many kinds of Sazanka even in Japan. I guess the one on these pictures is 'Iromokamo', 'Hinohakama', or 'Musashino', but I am not so sure.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Sazanka : 山茶花
* Iromokamo : 色も香も
* Hinohakama : 緋の袴
* Musashino : 武蔵野

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Dec 18, 2007

Pink-head Knotweed

This is 'Himetsurusoba' or pink-head knotweed. The botanical name is Polygonum capitatum or Persicaria capitata.

This plant originates from Himalayan region. The stalks spread horizontally, so this plant can be used as a ground-cover plant.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Himetsurusoba : 姫蔓蕎麦

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Dec 15, 2007


This is 'Kiku' or chrysanthemum. The English name is sometimes abbreviated to mum. The botanical name is Dendranthema x grandiflorum cv. or Chrysanthemum x morifolium.

But... there are many many kinds of chrysanthemums even in Japan, so it is very difficult to distinguish the detailed type.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Kiku : 菊

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Dec 14, 2007


This is 'Ichyou' or ginkgo. The botanical name is Ginkgo biloba.

All leaves had been fallen already around here (in a mountain (^_^;;;), but still we can see them in the town under the mountain!

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Ichyou : 銀杏 or 公孫樹

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Dec 13, 2007

"Zaisei-no Shikumi-ga Wakaru-Hon" by JIN'NO Naohiko

The author is a professor of Tokyo University, and the title means "A book to understand public budgets".

This book is one of 'Iwanami Junior New Books' series, so I expected that the contents are written easily. (Iwanami is a big publishing company in Japan.) However, it was not true at least for me. Many difficult things are written in difficult way! (^_^;;;

Anyway the insistence of the author is very clear: (1) contradictory against privatization of national projects like life lines, communications, and power supplies, (2) contradictory against the reformation of the public budgets, (3) approval for the tax increase, and (4) approval for the decentralization. These are very interesting, though I don't agree some of these.

(Finished reading on Dec.10, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* JIN'NO Naohiko : 神野直彦
* Zaisei-no Shikumi-ga Wakaru-Hon : 財政のしくみがわかる本

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Autumn Sage

This is 'Cherry Sage' in Japanese, and it is different from that of the same name in English, and the English name is autumn sage. The botanical name is Salvia greggii.

There are many kinds of sages, so it is very difficult for me to distinguish them (-_-;;;

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Cherry Sage : チェリー・セージ

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Dec 11, 2007

"Utyouten Kazoku" by MORIMI Tomihiko

Mr. MORIMI is a young Japanese writer whose writing style has an unique taste.

This story, whose title means 'The rapturous family', is a fantasy... maybe. There lives one third of human beings, one third of Japanese long-nosed goblins (tengu) and one third of raccoon dogs in Kyoto. The third son of a historic family of raccoon dogs, Yasaburou, lives with his family... Yes, this is the story of raccoon dogs!

Anyway, this story is very interesting, that's surely right! (^_^)

(Finished reading on Dec.9, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* MORIMI Tomihiko : 森見登美彦
* Utyouten Kazoku : 有頂天家族

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Devil's beggartick

This is probably 'America Sendan-gusa' or devil's beggartick. The other English name is stick-tight. The botanical name is Bidens frondosa.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* America Sendan-gusa : 亜米利加栴檀草

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"Chocolate Beast" by KATOU Miaki

Ms. KATOU is a Japanese writer, and one of her stories is broadcasting on TV as a TV drama, though I have not watched it yet. (^_^;;; Anyway this book is the second one of a series, and the previous and the first one is "Indigo-no Yoru". I read the book this summer, so here you cannot find the description of it. m(_ _)m

An editor SHIOYA made a night spot 'Club Indigo' after a murmur of a free-writer TAKAHARA Akira, and they are now owners of the shop. Around this night spot, various events or problems occur, and they solve them with the hosts of the shop...

This book contains four stories. The titles are 'Henpou-sya', 'Minority/Majority', 'Chocolate Beast', and 'Mayonaka-no daring'.

(Finished reading on Dec.6, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* KATOU Miaki : 加藤実秋
* Chocolate Beast : チョコレートビースト
* Henpu-sya : 返報者
* Minority/Majority : マイノリティ/マジョリティ
* Mayonaka-no daring : 真夜中のダーリン

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This is 'Melampodium' both in Japanese and English. The botanical name is Melampodium paludosum.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Melampodium : メランポジューム

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Dec 8, 2007

"Romajin-no Monogatari (VI)" by SHIONO Nanami

This sixth book of the "Roma-jin no Monogatari" series is written about Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus, who is the first Roman emperor and called Augustus. By defeating Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium, he succeeded to finish the Civil War, and that was the beginning of 'Pax Romana' or the Roman Peace which is the subtitle of this book. He was not a great soldier, but he has a good cooperator Agrippa. He also has a good speaker Maecenas. They changed the Rome Republic to the Roman Empire before people know it. This book contains until the death of Augustus.

(Finished reading on Dec.5, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* SHIONO Nanami : 塩野七生
* Roma-jin no Monogatari : ローマ人の物語
* Pax Romana : パクス・ロマーナ

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Dec 7, 2007

Japanese Anemone

This is 'Syuumei-giku' or Japanese anemone. The other Japanese names are 'Kisen-giku', 'Kibune-giku', and 'Syuu-botan'. The botanical name is Anemone hupehensis var. japonica.

The white parts are not petals but calyxes!

The English name is OK, while the Japanese names contain 'Kiku' which means chrysanthemums. Of course, however, this is *NOT* a chrysanthemum but an anemone! In Japan this flower blooms in autumn and it resembles a chrysanthemum - that is the origin of the Japanese names. Also the word 'Kisen' is a name of a district which locates at the north of Kyoto.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Syumei-giku : 秋明菊
* Kisen-giku, Kibune-giku : 貴船菊 (This has two ways of reading.)
* Syuu-botan : 秋牡丹

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"1950-nen-no bakkutosu" by KITAMURA Kaoru

This book contains 23 short stories published in various magazines etc. from 1995 to 2007. The title is one of them. You can easily read one by one at any chopped free time. Please check the detailed titles listed below with Japanese one.

(Finished reading on Nov.29, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* KITAMURA Kaoru : 北村薫
* Hyaku-Monogatari : 百物語 (100 stories)
* Mangekyou : 万華鏡 (Kaleidoscope)
* Kari-no Tayori : 雁の便り (News spread by wild geese)
* Houtyou : 包丁 (Kitchen knife)
* Mayonaka-no Daffuru-Ko-to : 真夜中のダッフルコート (A daffel coat on midnight)
* Mukashi-machi : 昔町 (Old towns)
* Kyoufu Eiga : 恐怖映画 (Horror Movies)
* Syare Komachi : 洒落小町 (Rakish small town)
* Gaisen : 凱旋 (A return in triumph)
* Me : 眼 (An eye)
* Aki : 秋 (Autumn)
* Te-wo Hiyasu : 手を冷やす (Let cold the fingers)
* Karukaya : かるかや (Cut thaches)
* Yuki-ga futte kimashita : 雪が降って来ました (It has began to snow)
* Yuriko-hime, Kaiki-Doku-haki On'na : 百合子姫・怪奇毒吐き女 (Princess Yuriko, Grotesque poison-spread female)
* Fukkura-to : ふっくらと (Plump)
* Ookina Tyokore-to : 大きなチョコレート (Large chocolate)
* Ishidan, Ookina Ki-no Shita-de : 石段・大きな木の下で (Stone steps, Under a large tree)
* Amontira-do-no Yubiwa : アモンチラードの指輪 (Amontillado Ring)
* Kosyougatsu : 小正月 (Small new year's day)
* 1950-nen-no bakkutosu : 1950年のバックトス (Back-toss in 1950)
* Ringo-no Ka : 林檎の香 (Smell of apples)
* Hotate-ste-ki-to Unagi : ほたてステーキと鰻 (Stake of scallops and eels)

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This is 'Torenia' or bluewings. The other Japanese names are 'Natsu-Sumire', 'Hanauri-kusa' and 'Panda-Sumire'. The botanical name is Torenia fournieri.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Torenia : トレニア
* Natsu-Sumire : 夏菫
* Hanauri-kusa : 花瓜草
* Panda-Sumire : パンダ菫

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Dec 6, 2007

"Boku-to 1-rupee-no Kamisama" by Vikas Swarup

Vikas Swarup is an Indian diplomat. He wrote this book, while he worked in England. The original title is "Q and A", but the Japanese version has a completely different title; "Boku-to 1-rupee-no Kamisama" or "God's 1 rupee and I" if we directly translate it back into English.

The Lam Muhammad Thomas(?), who works as a waiter in Mumbai, got the prize of 1 billion rupees in a popular TV program. But since he has never studied in any school, he was doubted, and he was arrested...

This story contains many problems occurring in India, and is planned to be a movie.

(Finished reading on Nov.25, 2007)

The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Vikas Swarup : ヴィカス・スワラップ
* Boku-to 1-rupee-no Kamisama : 僕と1ルピーの神様

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American Sweetgum

This is 'Momijiba-Fuu' or American sweetgum. The other Japanese name is 'America-Fuu'. The botanical name is Liquidambar styraciflua.

As I wrote yesterday, 'Momiji' and 'Kaede' are the same plant. But today's 'Fuu' is different from that.

The Japanese version of this article is here!

Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* Momijiba-Fuu : 紅葉葉楓
* America-Fuu : 亜米利加楓

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