Mr. Takano is a Japanese playwright. Though I have not watched any plays written by him, I like his books very much.
This book is a collection of short stories about previsions and the possibility of varying the future. The stories are weakly connected with a psychological graduate student, YAMABA Keishi, who can previse unusual occasions...
* 6-jikan-go-ni Kimi-ha Shinu (You will die in 6 hours)
When Mio was wondering in a downtown, she was talked by a stranger. "You will die in 6 hours!"
* Toki-no Mahoutsukai (Magician who plays with time)
After a long time Mirai went back to her hometown, and she found a girl...
* Koi-wo Shitehaikenai Hi (The day you must not start a love)
Mia had been having boyfriends since she was a junior high school student. But now she became alone, and talked with a so-called fortuneteller. He said her "You must not start a love on next Wednesday"...
* Doll House-no Dancer (A dancer in a doll house)
Miho has been trying to become a professional dancer for long time, but recently she begin to wander...
* 3-jikan-go-ni Boku-ha Shinu (I will die in 3 hours)
Mio began to work in the bridal world after she was helped by Keishi. When she met him after 3 years, he prevised that he will die in 3 hours...
* Epilogue - Mirai-no Nikkityou (Epilogue - a future's diary)
After a disgusting incidents at work, I walked home on a different way to the usual one, and found an antique store. I bought a diary there, and...
(Finished reading on Feb.11, 2008)
The more detailed Japanese version of this article is here!
Japanese character(s) (kanji)
* TAKANO Kazuaki : 高野和明
* 6-jikan-go-ni Kimi-ha Shinu : 6時間後に君は死ぬ
* Toki-no Mahoutsukai : 時の魔法使い
* Koi-wo Shitehaikenai Hi : 恋をしてはいけない日
* Doll House-no Dancer : ドールハウスのダンサー
* 3-jikan-go-ni Boku-ha Shinu : 3時間後に僕は死ぬ
* Epilogue - Mirai-no Nikkityou : エピローグ 未来の日記帳
Labels: Japanese book, TAKANO Kazuaki